Private Policy GDPR and Cookies


This Private Policy and Cookies Statement (“Statement”) sets out the privacy practices for the website QUERGO.COM, including the information collected through the website, how that information is used, and with whom it may be shared.

By accessing or using the website, you agree to this Statement. If you do not agree with the terms of this Statement, please do not use the website.

Data Collection

The website collects personal information from its users, such as name, email address, and any other information provided by the user. This information is used to provide a personalized experience for the user, improve the website, and communicate with the user.


The website uses cookies to store information about the user’s preferences and to provide personalized services. Cookies are small data files stored on the user’s device that allow the website to recognize the user and remember their preferences.

Users have the option to control the use of cookies on their devices by adjusting the settings in their web browser. However, disabling cookies may limit the functionality of the website and affect the user’s experience.

Data Use and Sharing

The website may use the information collected from users to:

  • Provide personalized services and improve the website
  • Send promotional materials or other communications
  • Respond to user requests and inquiries
  • Analyze website usage and improve the website

The website will not sell, rent, or share personal information with third parties for marketing purposes without the user’s consent.

The website may disclose personal information if required by law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the website, its users, or others.

Data Security

The website takes appropriate security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

Data Retention The website retains personal information for as long as necessary to provide the services requested by the user, or as required by law.

Changes to this Statement The website reserves the right to update this Statement from time to time and will provide notice of any significant changes.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Statement or the website’s privacy practices, please contact